the Open Door Fall Retreat 2023
October 27-29, 2023
It's going to be a fun weekend of connection and celebration.
Participation in any element of the retreat will earn you a RAFFLE ticket for several PRIZE BASKETS (and a bunch of kid-friendly ones, too!) It's as simple as that -- participate, earn tickets, enter the raffles of your choice.
Activity Details and Registration Form:
Weekend Schedule
Sunday 10/15
Scavenger Hunt Details are released at worship and on social media!
Friday 10/27
Potluck Dinner @ the Cook Farm
Games, outdoor fun, and introduction to the rest of the weekend
Saturday 10/28
Morning activities @ Individuals' homes and Harrison Hills Park, Overlook Shelter
Catered Lunch @ Harrison Hills Park, Overlook Shelter
Afternoon Yard Games and Table Games @ Harrison Hills Park, Overlook Shelter
Pizza Dinner and Movie Night at GCF (bring a salad!)
Sunday 10/29
Worship & 20 Year Celebration @ Sylvan Canoe Club
Chili Cook-Off Potluck SIGN UP HERE
Canoes, BYO paddle boat or kayak, yard games, and much more!