Find Belonging Here
Open Door values all God’s people. We seek to be an inclusive community, welcoming all races, cultures and gender identities. Come be a part of our community as a Covenant Partner as we figure out life and faith together.
What Does Covenant Partner Mean?
As a church we choose not to use the language of “members” because it implies an “in” crowd and an “out” crowd. Instead we use the words covenant partner, which signifies the commitment we make with one another to walk with each other in community. Becoming a covenant partner of the Open Door involves committing to a life lived together in community and seeking to participate in our five spiritual practices of listen, learn, eat, encourage, and give.
How to Become A Covenant Partner?
If you have prayerfully discerned that you would like to join the life of the Open Door through covenant partnership, please contact Nici to begin the next steps.
If are a member in another church community you will need to give us the name and address of your church in order to communicate to them your desire to transfer your membership to the Open Door.
Baptism is the sign and symbol of God's covenant partnership with us and our adoption into covenant partnership with Christ's body, the church. Therefore, if you have not been baptized then you will need to do so in becoming a covenant partner of the Open Door. If you desire to be baptized please let Nici know ASAP. If you have been baptized before then we need not baptize you again. Part of becoming a covenant partner will be renewing and remembering your baptismal vows.
After you choose to begin this journey with us, we will spend time learning together (in a 3 session class). Than we will welcome you into the community during worship. In that service you will make vows publicly and our faith community will promise to respect you and walk with you in faith.
Here are the vows that we will publicly make together:
Trusting in the gracious mercy of God, I turn from the ways of sin and renounce evil and its power in the world.
I affirm Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior
I will follow in the way of Jesus obeying his word and showing his love with God's help and the help of my community.
I will be a faithful partner of this community participating in its worship, mission, and practices by:
Listening: With the help of God and one another we will seek to practice listening by setting aside focused time to be attentive to and aware of God's still, small voice each week. We will follow Jesus' example of seeking time alone with God and trust God's promise to meet us when we come to Him.
Learning: With the help of God and one another we will seek to grow in the wisdom, knowledge and experience of Christ through scripture and life each week. We will seek to learn through God's Word, which is living and active and useful for shaping and molding us. We will seek to take on Jesus' yoke and learn from him because he is gentle and humble at heart.
Eating: With the help of God and one another we will seek to follow Jesus in eating with friends and strangers each week. At the table we will seek to create places of conversation, community, trust and hospitality where Christ works in and through us.
Encouraging: With the help of God and one another we will find intentional ways to encourage people through words, gifts or actions each week. We will seek to pass on God's encouragement to others through tangible acts of kindness, empowerment, lending courage, and giving strength as God has done for us.
Giving: With the help of God and one another we will look for regular and spontaneous ways to give our time, money, skills and passions to others and the world. We will strive to follow the way of Jesus by humbling ourselves and giving to neighbors, strangers and other communities, to serve them and grow the Kingdom of God.