Welcome to Worship
Sunday June 26, 2022
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*Song of Praise Since I Laid My Burdens Down
*Call to Worship
Out of a world of cut-throat competition,
of winners-and-losers,
and too many left behind
we come together.
The world’s ways are not our ways.
The world’s ways are not Christ’s ways.
Out of a world of hatred, violence,
individualism, and life-taking power
we gather as Koinonia, as God’s people.
God’s ways are inclusive, expansive,
and life-giving for all peoples.
Come and worship the One whose love knows no limits!
Swim and splash in the cleansing waters of divine community!
Resurrect your spirits and souls in worship of the One!
Praise be to the Everlasting One!
*Song of Praise Lifted
Confession & Words of Forgiveness
Passing of the Peace & Announcements
Scripture Reading: John 10: 11-18; 1 John 3 :16-22
Sermon: Rev. Cheryl Khyllep
Communion of God’s People
All those who trust in God are welcome to come to the communion table. Participation for children is left to the discretion of parents.
*Song During Communion “Psalm 134”
*Song of Response “I Saw the Light”
Announcement by Jen
(* Please stand in body or spirit)
“Un-plug” All Church Retreat:
Mark your calendar for all Church retreat October 7th-9th at Lutherlyn.
Sunday Summer Lunches
July 10 - August 21 As a way to build up our community relationships, we are asking for six hosts to open up their yards and provide lunch after worship Sundays through this summer. If you would like to host a lunch or two please sign up on the Events page.
Meal Train for the Cooks Help the Cooks as they transition to a family of five: https://www.mealtrain.com/trains/g949qe
Moving Mondays in Morningside
Meet in Morningside Mondays 5:30-7:00 pm July 11 - August 22 to walk, run, or bike and build community at 1736 Jancey St. This is a family-friendly opportunity to connect with others, pray for Morningside, and get your steps in!
Contact Us
Rev. John Creasy : Co-Pastor
Rev. Cheryl Khyllep : Co-Pastor
Rev. Lee Scott : Parish Associate
Jen McCaslin : Director of Children and Family Ministry